What To Expect!

The first thing you should know is that we love and worship Jesus Christ with all our hearts. We endeavor to keep Him central in all we do. Don't worry about being someone you're not, just come as you are. We are passionate about some things, one is worship. During our services, you will experience real heartfelt worship as we usher in the presence of Jesus Christ! At Living Waters we want you to know that you matter to God and to us. Living Waters is a place full of friendly people who will be more than happy to show you around. Pastor Chuck's anointed preaching is God-breathed and straight from the Bible.

You will find contemporary Praise and Worship, an incredible Creative Arts Ministry, as well as Youth and Children's ministries."I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture." -John 10:9 At Living Waters we teach about God's love in a variety of imaginative and inspired ways. People everywhere need to experience His Love. One way this happens is when His healing power is manifested in peoples lives. At Living Waters, we believe we are part of the body of Christ called to bring healing, deliverance and salvation to the nations. We hope you will join us in this great adventure of faith. No matter what your situation is, YOU BELONG HERE. Give us a try, we promise you'll feel right at home.


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